Sutherlandia frutescens (‘Karoo’)

Another must-have medicinal plant this selection is of the strongest forms of the species one can grow.

The plant has more than 25 recorded names, which shows the importance it has in the traditional medicinal systems in the areas in which it grows, which is much of Southern Africa.

Said to be one of the most commonly used traditional medicines, its bitter-tasting leaves and stems are used to treat cancers, fever, diabetes, kidney and liver problems, rheumatism, and stomach ailments.

It is also used for a diversity of symptoms and conditions, such as depression and stress; as a tonic; to purify the blood and wounds; to treat skin conditions and inflammation; to enhance appetite and prevent wasting; as an emetic; and to treat influenza, haemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, back pain, and gonorrhoea. Not surprisingly, the plant has been of interest to researchers around the world. It has been found to have anti-cancer, anti-stress, anti-depressant, anti-diabetic, and anti-HIV action, amongst others.

Completely non-toxic and adaptogenic, the plant is a potent immune booster and can be taken as a tonic.

Sutherlandia can also be used topically to treat burns, wounds and inflammatory skin conditions.

A medium-sized shrub, with fine greyish leaves and red flowers. Its seedpods are large and balloon-like with a slightly reddish tint. A very attractive plant in the herb garden, this feathery little bush will grow very fast and flower and seed in its first season, then happily self-seed, coming up in the strangest places.

Can your home (garden) medicine cabinet really afford to be without it?


  • Very easy to grow from seed, plants need full sun to thrive
  • Sow seeds from spring in well drained germination mix
  • Hardy to -8C, may require protection in cold areas
  • Self-seeds easily

Standard packet contains approx. 15 seeds

No Petite packets available

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Cancer Bush (Kankerbossie)

  • Product Code: 252-0001
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R33.49

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Tags: Cancer, Bush, Kankerbossie, Sutherlandia frutescens, Herb, Seed

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