Raphanus sativus
A super quick sprout, in a warm location you can have Daikon radish ready to eat in as little as 3 days. Nice and spicy it adds a real bite to any dish. Can be used both raw and cooked. However cook for a very short time or else you will lose the unique pungent flavour.
As a Microgreen, Daikon radish is easy to grow and it can be harvested in both the ‘dicot’ (seed leaf) and in the true leaf stage. The flavour changes as it moves through from sprout to true leaf stage.
Simple to sprout, they will be ready to start eating in 3-5 days. As a Microgreen you can start harvesting from 7 days
Specially selected seed for use in Livingseeds Sprouting and Microgreen Systems
Daikon Radish 200g
- Product Code: 345-0060
- Availability: In Stock
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