Beneficial Insects
Beneficial insects are simply the best way to control pest infestations, and as they are the natural enemies of your pests, they will target the exact issue you are having.
Please read the important points below.
Typically, due to the small quantities required by home gardeners and small-scale farmers (<5 hectares), the cost of actually obtaining a few vials of these amazing insects has been prohibitive. Commercial-scale farmers will order hundreds of vials of a single insect, whereas a small-scale farmer will require just a few and a home gardener will only require one.
With our combined purchasing power, we are able to supply these beneficial insects in small quantities that are perfect for the home gardener, at really affordable prices.
How it works
Insect pre-orders are collated every 2 weeks. We typically place an order every 2nd Thursday. This does vary, depending on demand.
The orders are received the following Monday/Tuesday and shipped the same day using a courier service.
Please Note:
- If you live in an outlying area that is not regularly serviced by a courier, please call our Livingseeds office prior to ordering: 016 100 0824.
- Any other products ordered with your beneficial insect order will be held back until we ship the insects.
Important Points
- We do not have a beneficial insect for every pest. Please make sure you are choosing the correct beneficial.
- Without the correct target pest, the beneficial insects will die. There are very few that can survive on other food sources (pollen, other pests, etc.)
- Not all pests are equal, and not all beneficial insects work for all pests.
- If you do not apply the beneficial insect solution correctly, it will not work.
- If you apply the incorrect beneficial insects in the hopes that they will work, they will not.
- We are supplying you with live insects; they need to be released ASAP and cannot be stored.
- All packages are over-packed and some deaths can occur in transport. Also note that shedding can also be present in the containers, giving a false impression of insect deaths in the packaging.
- This is not an instant cure, and it can take 2-3 weeks for your beneficial population to increase to a point where your target pests begin to be controlled.
- If you have used any chemical insecticides in the past 2 months, they will probably kill your newly acquired beneficials.
- However, if you have been using any of the BioGrow products that we sell, there is no need for concern. Koppert recommends BioGrow products for use with their IPM beneficials.
Aphid / Mite / Whitefly Package
A targeted selection of both pest predators and parasitoids for the most common pest species.5 x Swi..
Aphidalia - 2 Spot Ladybug 100's
One of the most common questions we get from people looking to buy beneficial insects is: Do you sel..
Aphidalia - 2 Spot Ladybug 50's
One of the most common questions we get from people looking to buy beneficial insects is: Do you sel..
Aphidoletes aphidimyzaAphidoletes aphidimyza is a midge that has been introduced to control aphids s..
Aphidius - Aphipar
Target Pests:Primarily the following:Myzus persicae Green peach aphidMyzus nicotianae Tobacco aphidA..
Bio Wasp
Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax sp Biowasp is a blend of two species of parasitoid wasps that sp..
Cryptobug Adult
Scientific name: Cryptolaemus montrouzieriOriginating from Australia, this ladybird was first used a..
Cryptobug Larvae
Cryptolaemus montrouzieriCryptolaemus montrouzieri can also prey on soft scales and aphids, however ..
Encarsia formosaIt is unknown where Encarsia formosa originates, however it is becoming available al..
Koppert Loupe
A miniture magnifying glass to inspect and view aspects of your garden more closely and clearly.The ..
Macrocheles robustulusFor targeted biological pest control against: Sciarid fly eggs, larvae, a..
Neoseiulus californicusTarget pestsTwo-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae);Fruit tree red mite..
Spider Mite Eliminator
Spidermites can be one of the most destructive and rapidly spreading pests in your veggie garden.Eff..
Spidex - Persimilis
Target Pests:Tetranychus urticae Two-spotted or Red spidermite Tetranychus cinnabarinus Carmine spid..
Spidex 500ml / 10,000
500ml / 10,000Target Pests:Tetranychus urticae (Two-spotted or Red spider mite)Tetranychus cinn..
Swirskii - Ultimite 20's
Target Pests: Bemisia tabaci, Sweet potato whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariprum, Greenhouse whit..
Swirskii - Ultimite 5's
Target Pests: Bemisia tabaci, Sweet potato whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariprum, Greenhouse whit..
St Valery Carrot
Daucus carota Also known as James Scarlet, this rare and lovely, bright orange carrot was develop..
R29.84 R35.11