• Californian White Softneck

WATCH Our Garlic Growing Series: How to Grow Great Garlic

Tasting Notes:

Very mild with a light muted flavour.

Well suited for light dishes and dressings.

Delicate garlic flavour.

This is one of the the staple white garlic's grown in the U.S. and this specific one is a USDA selection for yield.
We have been growing this variety for a few years now and are really impressed with it's performance, yield and flavour.
The performance of this garlic in South Africa must be due to it's west coast selection that has a higher winter temperature, making it very suitable for our climate.
Yields are great, with lovely white heads that braid exceptionally well as they are softnecks.

Flavour is always important, and the Cali White has a superb medium pungency that will not overpower any dish.
It is noted that there is a definite creamy/silky mouthfeel on the raw garlic, with absolutely no burn.
Fish and pasta or any light sauce that needs garlic without being overpowered would be greatly complimented with this garlic.

If you live in a winter rainfall area, we strongly recommend that you use Biogrow Copper Soap on your garlic plants. Spray preventatively for rust every 2-3 weeks with a mixture of 50% of the minimum dose and water.

2 heads

6-12 Cloves per head

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Californian White Softneck

  • Product Code: 20-00030
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Maximum Quantity: 1
  • R71.60

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