Green Mealies
This is a very well-known green mealie variety that yields exceptionally well. This full flavoured, traditional variety is ready to harvest in only 10 or 11 weeks. Enjoys full sun and can be planted any time from September, up to the end of January.
Poone e Tala
Ena ke pone e tala e tumileng haholo e emelanang le maemo a mangata. Poone ena e tumileng ea setso e loketse ho ka kotuloa moraho ha dikgwedi tse 10 kapa tse 11. E emelana le letsatsi me e ka na ea jaloa nako efe kapa efe ho tloha ho September, ho fihlela qetellong ea January.
Umbila Oluhlaza
Lokhu ukuhluka okwaziwa kakhulu kombila oluhlaza okuthela kahle kakhulu. Lokhu okuhlukile ngokugcwele kohlobo kulungela ukuvunwa emavikini angu-10 noma angu-11 kuphela. Kujabulela ilanga eligcwele futhi kungatshalwa noma kunini kusukela ngoSepthemba ukuya ekupheleni kukaJanawari.
Directions / Tlhahlo / Izikhombisi-ndlela
Full Sun / Letsatsi le Feletseng / Ilanga eligcwele
Spring / Summer / Selemo / Lehlabula / Intwasahlobo / Ihlobo
Plant direct in soil / E jale ka ho lebanya mmung / Tshala ngokuqondile emhlabathini
30 x 30 cm spacing / Sebaka sa 30 x 30 cm / 30 x 30 cm isikhala
10-14 days germination / Matsatsi a 10-14 / 10-14 izinsuku zokufeca
Keep moist during germination / E dule e na le mongobo ha e jalwa / Gcina kunomswakamo ngesikhathi sokufeca
55+ to harvest / 55+ ho kotuloa / 55+ ukuze kuvunwe
IMBEWU Green Mielies
- Product Code: 251-0040
- Availability: In Stock
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