Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant
If you have eaten swiss chard, you have probably eaten Fordhook Giant. This is a very common and well known variety that has been a market leader for years. Produces a great crop over an extended period. Soak seed overnight before planting.
Chard e Kholo ea Swiss ea Fordhook
Ha e ba o jele chard ea swiss chard, o lokela ho ba o jele Chard e Kholo ea Fordhook. Ona ke mofuta o tumileng o e sa leng o rekisoa ka dilemo. E etsa tholoane e ntle ka nako e khutsoane. E ine ka meetseng boseho kaofela pele o e jala.
I-Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant
Uma udle i-swiss chard, kungenzeka ukuthi udle ne-Fordhook Giant. Lokhu kudume kakhulu futhi okuhlukile okwaziwa kakhulu okube ngumholi wemakethe iminyakanyaka. Kukhiqiza isivuno esihle ngesikhathi esingeziwe. Cwilisa imbewu ubusuku bonke ngaphambi kokutshala.
Directions / Tlhahlo / Izikhombisi-ndlela
Full Sun / Letsatsi le Feletseng / Ilanga eligcwele
Spring / Autumn / Winter / Selemo / Lehwetla / Mareha / Intwasahlobo / Ikwindla / Ubusika
Plant direct in soil / E jale ka ho lebanya mmung / Tshala ngokuqondile emhlabathini
15 x 30 cm spacing / Sebaka sa 15 x 30 cm / 15 x 30 cm isikhala
7-10 days germination / Matsatsi a 7-10/ 7-10 izinsuku zokufeca
Keep moist during germination / E dule e na le mongobo ha e jalwa / Gcina kunomswakamo ngesikhathi sokufeca
55+ to harvest / 55+ ho kotuloa / 55+ ukuze kuvunwe
IMBEWU Swiss Chard
- Product Code: 251-0070
- Availability: In Stock
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