Strychnos spinosa

An indigenous tree to tropical and subtropical Africa which is also known as a Monkey orange, klapper, morapa, umKwakwa, Nsala, muramba and Umhlali.

The tree can grow up to 5m tall which produces flowers which range in colour in dense bunches. The fruits have a hard shell and are about 7cms in diameter which ripen from green to golden yellow. The flesh has a sweet sour taste and has a jelly-like consistency which can be eaten raw, juiced, made into jams and even into wine. The seeds are enclosed in the flesh and are said to be poisonous.

The Natal orange is adaptable to a range of soils and is drought tolerant. The bark is corky and flaky and the branches have spines.

Standard packet contains approx. 10 seeds

No petite packets for this variety

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Natal Orange

  • Product Code: 352-0050
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R36.06

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