Target Pests:

Primarily the following:

Myzus persicae Green peach aphid

Myzus nicotianae Tobacco aphid

Aphis gossypii Cotton aphid

Aphis fabae Black bean aphid

Brevicoryne brassicae Cabbage aphid

Lipaphis pseudobrassicae False cabbage aphid

However they will attack over 40 different species of aphid.

EDIT: We have now confirmed that this wasp is very effective against cabbage and bean aphids!

This is a really cool beneficial as it is able to hone in on a plants distress signal as well as the honeydew secretions of the aphids. It lays a single egg in each aphid and the tiny wasp will consume the aphid from the inside out, once it emerges it will start the process all over again.

Protected Crops:

Aphidius colemani is efficient in all crops where the target aphids are present as pests, including: chillies, sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, ornamentals, herbs, and field crops such as maize and cotton.


The adults are small slender wasps with black, brown and yellow colouration with brown legs and long antennae.

Aphidius colemani’s adult size depends on the size of the parasitized aphid, but is usually about 2 mm long, however some can get to 3mm long.

Aphidius colemani’s activity is optimal between temperatures of 20-30°C. Below 15°C, the adult is inactive. An adult female parasitoid may perform several hundred oviposition attempts during its lifespan, out of which up to 200 eggs will develop successfully to adulthood.


  • Aphipar takes the form of aphid mummies containing the parasitoid’s pupa. Thus the product reaches its destination everywhere in the world when it is “fresh”, with negligible mortality in shipping and with enhanced performance.
  • The commercial package contains 500 mummified aphids mixed in fine sawdust. At least 50% of the emerging adults are females.
  • Aphipar is utilized both in greenhouses and in open fields.
  • Aphipar is compatible with BioGrow products sold by Livingseeds.


  • Adult wasps will emerge from the mummies within 1-5 days (depending upon ambient temperatures). Immediately upon emergence, the wasps will mate and then begin searching for hosts suitable for parasitization.
  • Aphipar is shipped in temperature controlled Styrofoam boxes which must be kept intact until reaching the end-user.
  • Aphipar should be hung on the plant as close as possible to aphids‘ hotspot (if detected).
    Do not sprinkle the mummies actively from the container, forager ants will eat them.
  • If ants are present at the aphid hotspots, they must be destroyed. Ants encourage honeydew secretion by the aphids, transfer them from one place to another and protect them by actively interfering with the parasitoid.
  • A mix of 50:50 Borax and Sugar moistened with a bit of water will help to control the ants. Please put this mix down a week prior to releasing Aphipar
  • Keep the product at room temperature (not refrigerated!) until emergence has started (appearance of a few parasitic wasps). Avoid direct exposure of the product to sunlight!
  • Two-three weeks following Aphipar release (depending upon temperature, low temperatures could extend time to several weeks), mummified aphids can be clearly detected. The subsequent established generations of the parasitoid will effectively control the aphids in the longer run.
  • The introduction rate should be determined according to the nature of the crop and according to the rate of aphid infestation.

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Aphidius - Aphipar

  • Product Code: 176-0025
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R381.73

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Tags: Aphidius, Aphipar, IPMs, Aphids, Beneficial Insects,

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