Target Pests:
Bemisia tabaci, Sweet potato whitefly
Trialeurodes vaporariprum, Greenhouse whitefly
Frankliniella occidentalis The young larvae of Western flower thrips
Tetranychus urticae , two-spotted or red spider mite
T. cinnabarinus Carmine spider mite
Polyphagotarsonemus latus. broad mite
Amblyseius swirskii has a very catholic diet as predatory mites go, feeding off a very wide variety of agricultural pests. Swirskii is very effective against both whitefly species which is their preferred prey. Swirskii can also be applied as a preventative on certain crops (Peppers and chillies) as it can also eat the pollen of these flowers.
Protected Crops:
Chillies, sweet peppers, eggplant, cucumber, beans, greenhouse ornamentals such as roses, chrysanthemums and various bedding plants. In addition it can protect fruit crops like citrus.
The adult female is an off-white drop-shaped mite. It has a characteristic rapid movement when disturbed or exposed to bright light. The eggs are oval and transparent to white.
- Your order will consist of 20 (Twenty) sachets of ~250 Swirskii - Ultimite.
- Amblyseius swirskii is packed in small sachet with 250 predatory mites per sachet. Mites are mixed with bran, along with their food, the prey mite, Carpoglyphus lactis. The prey mites do not survive on the plant and are harmless to the crop.
- If necessary, Swirskii - Ultimite can be stored for 24 hours at a temperature of 10-15°C from the time of arrival until release, but it should never be frozen, nor left exposed to direct sunlight.
- Swirskii - Ultimite is compatible with BioGrow products from Livingseeds.
- Application of Swirskii - Ultimite should be carried out either early in the morning or late in the afternoon, under relatively mild temperatures.
- Simply hook the sachet of Swirskii- Ultimite onto the affected plant branches. DO NOT make any holes in the packaging as this will allow the bran to absorb moisture, clogging up and suffocating the Swirskii mites.
- In crops where Amblyseius swirskii can feed on pollen, such as sweet pepper, Swirskii - Ultimite can be introduced preventively before the appearance of the target pests, upon presence of the first flowers. The release rate depends upon the nature of the crop, the ecosystem (e.g. open field or greenhouse) and the rate of pest infestation. Temperatures of 21-27°C and high humidity (above 60%) will enhance predator activity and ensure its success.
- Where pollen is not available for the predators, Amblyseius swirskii should only be introduced upon the first appearance of the target pests.
Swirskii - Ultimite 20's
- Product Code: 176-0145
- Availability: In Stock
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