• Heirloom Garlic Kostyn's Red Russian

WATCH Our Garlic Growing Series: How to Grow Great Garlic

Tasting Notes:

Very mild burn that takes a while to appear.

Mild back of the throat burn with earth undertones.

Lingering delicate flavour.

Originating from Vancouver Island in Canada, this variety was grown by "Uncle Kostyn" for well over 30 years. This is believed to be a close relative of the Red Russian (not available) and shares many similar attributes. Kostyns however has a much better flavour profile.

This is a deep pink/red flushed garlic, with well filled cloves of a pretty even size.

If you live in a winter rainfall area, we strongly recommend that you use Biogrow Copper Soap on your garlic plants. Spray preventatively for rust every 2-3 weeks with a mixture of 50% of the minimum dose and water.

2 Heads

Approx 6-8 cloves per head

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Heirloom Garlic Kostyn's Red Russian

  • Product Code: 20-01035
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R64.70

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Tags: Heirloom, Garlic, Kostyn's, Red, Russian

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