• Prizehead

Lactuca sativa

A.k.a. Prize Head or Early Prize Head, this stunning heirloom was first listed in 1881 in the catalogues of D.M. Ferry and W.A. Burpee.

The name is deceiving as it is not a heading lettuce at all, but rather a broad-leaved, loose-leaf variety. The leaves grow upright and are a lovely, light green with a reddish-brown blush on the frilly edges. The leaves are crisp and tender with a sweet and buttery flavour.

Medium heat/bolt resistance. Resistant to mosaic virus.

Ready for harvest at around 55 days.

Standard packet contains approx. 300 seeds

Petite packet contains approx. 100 seeds

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  • Product Code: 260-0075
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R33.89

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Tags: Prizehead, Lettuce, Loose-Leaf, Vegetable Seed

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