Mustard Green Frills

(Brassica juncea)

Stunning deeply ruffled leaves. This is a lovely mild flavoured mustard that makes a statement both as a sprout and on the plate as a microgreen. One of the most popular mustard varieties due to its ease of growth.

As a Microgreen and Baby leaf vegetable, this can be allowed to grow out until the leaves are quite large and used in almost any stage of growth.  Loaded with easily available minerals like calcium, manganese, copper, iron, selenium and zinc. All of these are beautifully concentrated in mustard sprouts. Mustard is also high in cancer fighting carotenoids and flavonoids.

Mustard as sprouts germinate best if kept in the dark for the first 48 hours, and then brought into the light. As Microgreens they are simple to grow, sow thickly and cover with fine soil. They will be ready to start harvesting in 10-14 days.

 Specially selected seed for use in Livingseeds Sprouting and Microgreen Systems

Base pack 180g

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Mustard Green Frills 180g

  • Product Code: 345-0130
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R151.28

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Tags: Mustard, Green, Frills, 180g, Sprout, Microgreen, Seed

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