This is our pre-mixed Livingseeds Germination Mix.
The Livingseeds Germination Mix blend is the culmination of months of research with over 40 variations of germination mix blends across a broad range of seed types that the home would require to germinate.
We have taken the guesswork out of the equation for you and have given you a direct path to success with seed germination.
The four parts of this germination mix each fulfill a specific function in seed germination and early stage seedling growth.
Vermiculite ~ This is an expanded mica-like product that has impressive absorptive and water holding properties.
Perlite ~ Perlite is included specifically for it's ability to create the necessary air-spaces in germination mix that is so important for roots, without the danger of creating overly large spaces that can dry our seedling roots. It also has a good water holding capacity.
coir ~ Coir is that backbone of structure in our mix, it is critical for
holding the mix together, preventing compaction and collapse of the mix
that would typically suffocate the seedlings roots. Once again this
also has a great water holding capacity. Please take note of the difference between buffered and un-buffered coir.
Vermicasts ~ This is the "secret ingredient". Vermicasts provide the nutrition required for great seedling growth, it is a bacterial and fungal inoculation for the growing seedling and your soil, it has been found that vermicasts in seedling mix dramatically reduces the occurrence of damping off in seedlings.
The above mix will give you the best germination mix available.Please see our Livingseeds Germination Mix Base Pack for a more cost effective option.
Livingseeds Germination Mix
- Product Code: 338-0095
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: Germination mix, seed starting mix, seed starting soil, germination soil