Swiss Chard
One of South Africa’s most commonly grown vegetables, and often erroneously called spinach. Can be planted all year round except for June and July. All the chards perform exceptionally well, both in the field and over winter in tunnels. Feeding them will provide you with exceptionally lush and bountiful growth.
Pick often to ensure consistent production of new leaf growth. This quick-growing crop will have you eating fresh, mineral-rich leaves in 50-60 days. Soak seed overnight before planting. Can be transplanted or sown directly.
Barese Swiss Chard
Beta vulgarisThis variety was bred to produce superior quality baby leaves for picking year round. B..
Canary Yellow Swiss Chard
Beta vulgaris var ciclaA beautiful Swiss Chard with bright yellow, almost golden stems. We like to i..
Flamingo Pink Swiss Chard
Beta vulgaris var cicla A beautiful Swiss Chard with light pink stems, it makes a lovely addition..
Orange Fantasia Swiss Chard
Beta vulgari var cicla A bright orange stemmed Swiss Chard that is really incomparable in terms o..
Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant
Beta vulgaris var cicla If you have eaten Swiss Chard, you have probably eaten Fordhook Giant. T..
Swiss Chard Kaleidoscope
Beta vulgari var cicla A multi-coloured kaleidoscope of Swiss Chard varieties. These produce a wo..
Swiss Chard Lucullus
Beta vulgaris var cicla Named after a very famous Roman conqueror in the belief that this would b..
Swiss Chard Red Rhubarb
Beta vulgari var cicla A stunning, red stemmed swiss chard. Grows well and if picked often enough..