
Tobacco plants thrive in warm, temperate climates. They require a long growing season, typically around 180 days from transplant to harvest, and do not tolerate frost.

After harvesting, tobacco leaves require specific curing conditions. The curing process can take several weeks and is crucial for developing the desired flavour and aroma of the tobacco.

NB: Tobacco is a highly addictive and harmful substance when used for smoking. While growing it organically can be an interesting gardening experiment, it's essential to be aware of the health risks associated with tobacco use.

Burley Tobacco

Burley Tobacco

Nicotiana tabacumBurley tobacco is the second most popular tobacco variety which is grown around the..


EC Virginia Tobacco

EC Virginia Tobacco

Nicotiana tabacumSuperb OP variety that is grown extensively for personal consumption in the numerou..


Old Zimbabwean Virginia Tobacco

Old Zimbabwean Virginia Tobacco

Nicotiana tabacumTREATED SEED!Virgina tobacco is also known as flue cured tobacco, due to the origin..


Tobacco Mapacho Heirloom

Tobacco Mapacho Heirloom

Nicotiana rusticaMapacho and was brought to South Africa by a traveling ayahuascero for ceremonial u..


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