Cauliflower is a cool-weather crop and is not heat-tolerant. It is part of the cruciferous/brassica vegetable family, which is considered to have many health benefits as well as cancer-fighting nutrients.
Faster-maturing varieties can be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frosts for a spring planting. Longer-maturing varieties should be started 8-10 weeks before your first frost for an autumn harvest. A dusting of frost enhances the flavour.
Although a hungry crop, beware of using fresh manure as it can influence the colouring and flavour adversely.
Green Igloo
Brassica oleraceaA great choice for a smaller sized garden or for container gardening. This is a d..
Igloo Cauliflower
Brassica oleraceaA great choice for a smaller sized garden or for container gardening. A prolific pr..
Macerata Green Cauliflower
Brassica oleraceaA prolific Italian Heirloom of beautiful apple-green coloured heads. The plants pro..
Romanesco Early Cauliflower
Brassica oleraceaAn Heirloom from Northern Italy. A cauliflower that looks like a spinning top. Thes..
Sicilian Violet Cauliflower
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Snowball Cauliflower
Brassica oleraceaHeirloom. One of the oldest classic cauliflower varieties. Up until today, it remai..
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R29.84 R35.11