We have been working with cotton for a few years now, trying to understand cotton and getting the planting right up on the Highveld, which is definitely not a good cotton-growing area.
Start your seed off early in seedling trays and preferably on one of our heating pads. Cotton needs high temps and a long growing season to produce well. You can expect your first bolls to start coming off the plant at around 140 days, but with care, the plant will keep producing until the first real killing frost.
Cotton needs well-improved soil and regular applications of Talborne Vita Fruit & Flower.
Red Foliated Cotton
Gossypium hirsutumThis cotton plant starts off green, but as it grows, it develops beautiful red ste..
St Valery Carrot
Daucus carota Also known as James Scarlet, this rare and lovely, bright orange carrot was develop..
R29.84 R35.11