IMBEWU #ShareTheSeed

The past few years have had a huge impact on so many lives, leaving many people without a livelihood, struggling to provide for and feed their families. As we all battle through this trying time, we would like to take a moment to encourage you.

By growing your own food, you are already one step ahead of the curve. If you help #growyourneighbourhood, teaching your neighbours to do the same, everybody becomes a little stronger and more able to take care of themselves and others.

There is a certain pride that one gets from being able to support and feed yourself and your family. Many people have lost that ability in these times and just need a little help to stand up again.

By helping to #growyourneighbourhood, you are potentially changing and improving many people’s situations. Each one of us can make a difference in someone’s life. Pay it forward, one seed packet at a time, uplifting and encouraging. This action will hopefully grow, to eventually uplift entire communities, giving people a new sense of purpose.

The intention of #sharetheseed is to give people who have been blessed with an income the ability to #sharethelove. What greater gift can you give someone than the ability to regain their pride and teach them a new, lifelong skill. Being self-sustainable, even if only in growing some good, wholesome, nutritious food in these difficult times, can make a huge difference to many families and communities!

Livingseeds wants to help give back to our seed community, so that you in turn can bless your own community. #Sharetheseed is a tool to enable everyone to do just that.

We at Livingseeds are asking you to take up the #sharetheseed challenge with us, to help #growyourneighbourhood.

How It Works

  1. Order one or more packets of Imbewu #sharetheseed off of the Livingseeds website from the Imbewu Share The Seed category.
  2. Livingseeds will match your order and supply a free packet of Imbewu seed for every packet that you order.
  3. When you receive your order, #sharetheseed with your neighbour or anyone you feel the inclination to.

In a nutshell, for every packet of Imbewu #sharetheseed that you purchase, Livingseeds will donate an additional packet for you to give away. Feel free to donate all the Imbewu #sharetheseed packets that you order too! If you are unsure who to donate/give the seed to, you can let us know in the comments on your order and we can donate it to a charity on your behalf. Just let us know if you would like to donate the extra #sharetheseed packets or your whole order.

You may say that you are not experienced enough to teach or help someone else to garden successfully, and this is where we step in. Every Imbewu Seed packet has all of the planting information required for each variety, in multiple languages, and easy-to-understand icons for those who cannot read. This gives you all of the tools you need to help someone to grow their own with ease. All you need is a loving, giving attitude to help your neighbour or someone in need.

Our Imbewu range has been designed to provide the best seed of the most popular varieties with higher seed counts.

It’s time to bless those in need, help them to feed their families, and teach them a valuable life skill.

IMBEWU Beetroot

IMBEWU Beetroot

Beetroot Beetroot are considered an important vegetable crop. This variety produces well formed, al..


IMBEWU Bush Beans

IMBEWU Bush Beans

Bush Bean An awesome bush bean! This bean is a strong, early producer with a continuous bean set..


IMBEWU Butternut

IMBEWU Butternut

Waltham Butternut The most popular and widely grown squash famous for its delicious, deep orange fl..


IMBEWU Cabbage

IMBEWU Cabbage

Cabbage A very popular, round cabbage variety that produces exceptionally firm, tasty heads...


IMBEWU Carrots

IMBEWU Carrots

Carrots A great carrot variety that was a standard in international field trials for many years, Pr..


IMBEWU Chillies

IMBEWU Chillies

Long Slim Cayenne Probably one of the most well-known peppers in South Africa. If you are looki..


IMBEWU Cucumber

IMBEWU Cucumber

Ashley Cucumber Ashley is a well-known, open pollinated cucumber variety that has been grown for ma..


IMBEWU Green Mielies

IMBEWU Green Mielies

Green Mealies This is a very well-known green mealie variety that yields exceptionally well. This f..




Chou Moullier A lovely hardy kale variety that just keeps on giving. Tastes a bit like a blend o..


IMBEWU Lettuce

IMBEWU Lettuce

Lettuce Gourmet Mix The Gourmet mix is made up of a variety of loose leaf and heading lettuce that ..




Onions Onions are a long season crop that are very rewarding if planted at the correct time of the ..


IMBEWU Sweet Pepper

IMBEWU Sweet Pepper

California Wonder Sweet Pepper This is one of the top producing, sweet peppers for home gardener..


IMBEWU Swiss Chard

IMBEWU Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant If you have eaten swiss chard, you have probably eaten Fordhook Giant. T..


IMBEWU Tomatoes

IMBEWU Tomatoes

The best-tasting tomatoes are the ones that you have grown yourself. This is a spring and summer cro..


IMBEWU Watermelon

IMBEWU Watermelon

Sweet Watermelon A stunning, extremely productive watermelon with a very high (12%) sugar conten..


Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)


St Valery Carrot

St Valery Carrot

Daucus carota Also known as James Scarlet, this rare and lovely, bright orange carrot was develop..

R29.84 R35.11

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