Radish is a super easy crop. You really don’t have to try hard to win with these little guys in your veggie garden. Easy to plant, quick to grow, and simple to harvest. They can be planted in almost any month of the year except June and July when it’s too cold.
Plant seed every two weeks to ensure a continual harvest of fresh crunchy radishes. Thin out to 2.5 cm between plants so that you get evenly-sized roots. The young greens are delicious, too.
Champion Radish
Raphanus sativus Champion is your standard radish of old. It has a great bite that improves with ..
Cherry Belle Radish
Raphanus sativus One of most well-known radish varieties. Cherry Belle is, or at least was, one o..
China Rose Radish
Raphanus sativus Now this is a cool radish variety. Dating back to the 1840's this is a really ol..
Crayon Colour Radish Blend
Raphanus sativusRadish your garden with beautiful tones of yellows, pinks, reds and purples, all in ..
Easter Egg Radish
Raphanus sativus This lovely radish mix makes growing your own fun. With an assortment of coloure..
French Breakfast Radish
Raphanus sativusVery old heirloom variety known from at least 1880's. A mild crunchy radish that doe..
German Giant Radish
Raphanus sativus German heirloom. Serious, fist-sized radishes that seem to grow as you watch the..
Giant Butter Globe Radish
Rephanus sativusTypically radish is a cool weather crop and bolts quickly in spring and summer heat...
Giant Minowase (Pickling Radish)
Raphanus sativusA Japanese Heirloom. This radish variety is crisp with a sweet,mild flavour. A great..
Golden Helios Radish
Raphanus sativus Stunning polish heirloom variety. Golden yellow skin with a crisp firm white fl..
Hailstone Radish
Rephanus sativusAn heirloom variety originally released in 1908, one of the easiest and fastes..
Hong Vit
Raphanus sativusBeautiful long white radishes with delightful pink-purple shoulders. Delicious raw a..
Pink Beauty Radish
Raphanus sativus This radish is a real stunner with its beautiful soft pink skin and crisp, mild ..
Purple Plum Radish
Raphanus sativus Deep purple, these radishes add a stunning flavour and colour contrast to any gr..
Scarlet Candle Radish
Raphanus sativusAn Italian Heirloom. Long and beautiful scarlet-red radishes with a creamy white fle..
Spanish Black Radish
Raphanus sativus Thought to originate from Asia, Black radish is a large root crop that gets to t..
Sparkler Radish
Raphanus sativus A lovely red top, white bottom, with freckles in between radish. This radish has..
Watermelon Radish
Raphanus sativusAn awesome radish and the perfect way to introduce new radish eaters to the wonders ..
White Icicle Radish
Raphanus sativus A lovely long tapered radish that is a quick grower in the garden. Not the avera..
St Valery Carrot
Daucus carota Also known as James Scarlet, this rare and lovely, bright orange carrot was develop..
R29.84 R35.11