• White Clover

Trifolium repens

White Clover is a great green manure to help increase nitrogen in your soil as it is a legume. It also does a wonderful job of loosening your soil with it's long taproot. Cut just below the surface with a sharp spade late in winter and allow the foliage to die down naturall onto the soil surface, or alternatively take this green matter and give your compost pile a high nitrogen boost.

Plant from Feb - Early April.


Using Cloverflo-Rhizobium bacteria when planting your clover seed is the most cost effective way of putting nitrogen fixing bacteria into your soil, creating healthier soil for a more productive harvest.

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White Clover

  • Product Code: 342-0070
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R95.22

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Tags: White, Clover, Green, Manures

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